Pop-Up Clothing Shop For Residents in Care Homes!16 October 2022 | Admin Pop-Up Clothing Shop For Residents In Care Homes! 
JJ Fashions is a company specialising in fashion for the over 50’s and over 65’s both online and in care homes. The company, which has been operating since 1999, is run by husband-and-wife duo Keith and Catherine who run the mobile Pop-Up Clothing Shop visits in care homes throughout Sussex and West Kent. Our shopping sessions brighten up the day for many of those who are no longer able to get out and about and shop for clothes themselves but who feel they are never too old to want to feel and look good. It gives those buying a sense of independence rather than having to rely on a relative or key worker to buy for them. We all know that going into high street shops can be a trying experience for the elderly and it is often the case that the clothes they want are not available. Shopping by catalogues also has its problems and unless you have a relative who can do it for you when you get older shopping online for many is not possible. Our clothes are selected with the elderly in mind being chosen for easy wear and to be easy to care for in what is sometimes a tough washing regime. We like to say that our clothing is traditional but with a modern twist. Residents can select and try on from a range of clothing which is brought directly to the care home, allowing residents to take time and pleasure from choosing between products making the task of shopping stimulating and fun as opposed to confusing or stressful. We know from the feedback we receive that the shopping sessions brighten up the day for those who come and is chatted about long after we have gone. We rely on the home manager/activity organiser, key worker or relative when we visit as they are the people who understand the ladies and men who are shopping. We would be unable to provide the service without their help. They are a very important part of the shopping session. .jpg)
Residents love having the independence of choosing from the Pop-Up Clothing Shop what they like themselves and it also provides an opportunity for a get-together and have a bit of fun trying on the clothes usually with a cuppa and a biscuit too. We offer a wide selection of clothing from trousers and jumpers to blouses and skirts so there’s always something to suit everyone. A research study carried out by researchers from the University of Michigan found making shopping choices can restore a person’s sense of personal control over their environment and reduce sadness. Allowing residents to choose items they like and spend time picking new things can help them to feel independent and make choices which reflect their own personality and tastes. We are very sensitive to resident needs and will go above and beyond in providing the best shopping experience especially for them. If you would like to book a Pop-Up Clothing Shop, please visit our Pop-Up Clothing Shop Page Click Here .jpg)